Friday, September 14, 2007


Survived my first full week of school. I'm tired! I suppose I'm just drained after having the summer off -- but then again I worked Monday through Friday this summer being abused daily by little children. I suppose it's the same feeling, I just had a two week intermission from exhaustion.

I love teaching drama - I have a LOT of kids, but it makes for a great variety of personalities. I love drama too -- it's so much fun, even when the kids are like "Drama is supposed to be practical!" and they don't understand that you have to master the little things to be able to do the big things.

I don't think these kids are used to my teaching style yet either. I just stop if they are talking. And then I start warning students - "do not talk over me, it's rude." If they do it again, they are in the hall. Again? They go to referral. It's a tough system to get used to because it's so different. I'm used to just writing up a detention,

Learning. Part of life, right?

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