Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Peter Pan

Two days.

I'm a bit scared...........

Will we be ready?

Friday, November 21, 2008

Still stressing....

I've been really under the weather this year.

I know I need to toughen up and say "F off" to people who try and pull me down - but it's bloody HARD. I have never had to deal with people who pick on me and criticize me over everything.

For the record:
I'm FAR FROM a push over.
I CAN handle my job.
I DO think some policies are stupid.
I like MY way, and I don't see why I don't get to do things MY way at least some of the time.
I appreciate people telling me what I do WELL, not WRONG.

I happen to know that I kick ass at my job.
The kids love me and actually work for me because we have mutual respect for each other.
I have just directed a fantastic play that has taken the whole school by storm.
I have brilliant mates who support me in everything I do - whether it be too much or too crazy.

I'm sorry, but I am far too fabulous to be dealing with mediocrity.

I'm going to win a Nobel Prize for my educational research, I'm going to have plenty of inspiration for what not to do.

Attitude swap begins NOW.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Yes, I haven't updated in far too long. Time just seems to slip away from you when you are feeling beat. Tons has happened - both good and bad. My quest for World Domination has failed....or so it feels. It's incredible that one thing can pull you down so far...

School is ok...
Kids are fantastic. They really make the job worth it. I'm not sure about the policies though. There seems to be a ridiculous amount of pressure on teachers from all different directions. I'm sick of hearing about "can't" and "don't." It's such a negative environment. We are meant to inspire kids, but what about inspiring ourselves! I had to write out my faithful Shel Silverstein poem and stick it on my wall. Just a little bit of help:

"Listen to the Mustn't, Child
Listen to the Don'ts
Listen to the Shouldn'ts, the Impossible's the Won'ts,
Listen to the Never Have's
Then Listen Close to Me
Anything can happen, child
Anything can be."

When you get sucked under by all of the negativity, there has to be something to lift your spirits and get you out. I've hit rock bottom. I don't think I've ever cried so much. I don't even know why. It has to be frustrating for everyone around me because I'm sure there are sick of hearing about it. But I hope they remember - I'm the one stuck feeling like this.

I will say this - Christmas is in the air, and nothing makes me happier than Christmas.

So many good things have happened and are happening. I won't let this QTS nightmare get me down.

I finally passed my driving test and bought a car! My little red Renault Clio is the most fabulous thing of the year! It was my New Year's resolution. The best part is driving to Tesco. You can have a hobby of baking when you have to walk to and from the shops. Not happening.

Cambridge is also fantastic. I bought my Academic Robes the other day. I'm going to a Grad Hall dinner on Wednesday. I am thinking it's going to be very Harry Potter like. I have no idea what to expect and I am scared stiff, but I think it will be a fabulous opportunity.

Class at Cambridge is also fantastic. I love every aspect of it. It's hard, yes, but it's fantastic. Really stimulating to have access to such intelligence and creative thinking.

I'm heading to bed. I need to wash the negativity from today out of my system and start fresh. Peter Pan tickets go on sale tomorrow - so I'm sure that will be exciting. I can't believe we only have two weeks - NOT EVEN - before the show opens. I'm scared!

(you cheat, you die)
(as Mr. Divis used to say)