Monday, March 30, 2009

Having the Flu in the UK

When you've got the flu, you've got the flu. There isn't much to be done. You have contracted the germs, so now you deal with them. So what happens when you contract this dreaded disease when living in a place that ISN'T home? You have to play the game like a local.

I've caught my fair share of germs while working in a secondary school. I often feel as though I was given the short end of the deal when I was allotted my immune system, because I always seem to have some sort of cold, cough, headache, stomach ache, etc. You name it, I've contacted it. And today, for the first time in a long while, I had to call in sick to work.

Now, I'm not all about calling in sick. I remember there was a huge uproar surrounding Benylin's advert suggesting people take a day off to recover. But if we're going to make an arguemnt, you don't want to pass your germs along to anyone else. And really - how am I meant to combat a rowdy group of 30+ kids in a chaotic, movement based classroom? I'm not stupid. I know when I'm outnumbered.

So I made the call and then what? Mommy wasn't here to bring me cough syrup or make me soup. I had to fend for myself. Lucky for me I had a nice collection of Olbas Power Flu and Covonia Cold and Flu syrup. I've been around the block a few times with the cold medicines, and I found that these work the best.

After three days of feeling like proper waste, I was able to get up and shower. And I think I actually look like a human. Well done. Although it is a bit disturbing that these poor people in the advert are dragging themselves into work - SPREADING THEIR GERMS - but being supported by Power Flu. Are we really that much of a work enforced society?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

And today is Sunday

Today Ronan and I went on a little road trip to Burnham Market. We weren't happy that almost everything was closed, but we did have a laugh anyways.

Burnham Market is one of the best things I've seen in Norfolk in ages! At The Hoste Arms we had a cup of tea and it was one of the ideal little country pub settings. Fire, people drinking pints at 11:00 in the morning, misty day..... it was fabulous!

We also got to check out the Hat Shop - tons and tons of hats. Something I've never seen in mass quantity. Impressive collection.

After, we headed to Wells next the Sea -- killer sweet shop. The rest wasn't that impressive. It wasn't the best of days, to be fair. But it was not too bad. And to get out of the Lynn for a day - Fabulous!

Now, I'm resting up -- plenty of recovery this weekend from the dreaded QTS....but now it's OVER.

I'm going to conclude the day by watching The Wizard of Oz on Five and signing randomly to Flashdance.....