Sunday, January 9, 2011

2011 is going to be a good year

The new year always provides individuals with an opportunity to reflect on their lives and look back at the previous year with insight and criticism. I'm not going to bat about the brush - 2010 was a tough year. I worked my ass off, had a nightmare travelling
(Rain in Gran Canaria, Flights to Greece cancelled twice [resulting in NO trip to Greece], and finally getting stuck in the UK when Heathrow decided they couldn't handle the snow at Christmas).

There were, however, some brilliant moments - I met (or rather came to a realisation that he was) the love of my life. I completed my masters (which was the 'working my ass off').
And I have the opportunity to develop my leadership skills within my department.


2011 is going to be good. Call it a hunch. I think things are changing, but changing for the good. After all, life is what we make it. And I'm on track to make it FABULOUS. Roll on, 2011. Roll on.

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